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S O N  R I S E  M E T H O D

The Son Rise program focuses on creating a channel of communication between children with Autism and their families by training families to join their Autistic child as they partake in their stimming behaviors. As explained in detail in the videos to the right, stimming behaviors are repetitive, self-stimulating actions that people with Autism engage in as a mechanism of control over their bodies and their surroundings, such as clapping or making certain noises. When family members, peers, and--in the case of The Fairmile School-- teachers, join children with Autism in their stimming behaviors, it demonstrates to the child that they are seen and accepted, and that  there are commonalities between themselves and those around them.

The Son Rise Method was created and developed by the Autism Treatment Center of America in Massachusetts, USA, where the Founder of Fairmile, Fern Eshuchi, was trained. This method focuses on both verbal and non-verbal communication for children with Autism by the means of social interaction and relationship building - at Fairmile, we implement  Son Rise practices and activities in one on one teacher student sessions, in our specialized Son Rise room.


We implement the Son Rise Method in every aspect of our school to foster a safe, accepting, and loving environment where our students with Autism as well as other disabilities can have meaningful interactions and contributions to the environment surrounding them.

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