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Fairmile has two in-classroom occupational therapists who work with each of our students everyday during the school term. Our OTs engage in tissue massaging for students with the use of essential oils that promote awareness and calmness. They also work on motor skills with each student, setting goals for them and taking steps each day.

Deep muscle and tissue massaging is an essential part of our OT regiment which loosens muscles with a calming, gentle nature--as seen on the right.

Similarly, rolling and bouncing sports balls promotes coordination, focus, and  movement of the muscles in the hands, touching upon fine motor skills.




Our OTs also perform physical and motor therapies on our students to approach their needs holistically. Fine motor therapy addresses the motions and tasks involving the small muscles in one's hands. Gross motor therapy deals with the large muscles of the body. The result is increased motion and flexibility of the individual, which will help them perform all activities of daily life.

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